Shazam Review
Average Ratings:3.87/5
Score: 100% Positive
Reviews Counted:5
Negative :0
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Ratings:3.5/5 Review By: Anupama Chopra Site:  Filmcompanion
Big meets Superman was apparently the one-line pitch for Shazam. The film is about a teenage boy, Billy Batson, who becomes a powerful superhero when he says the word ‘Shazam’. So like Tom Hanks in Big, you have a young boy grappling with being in an adult body. But he also has to fight a supervillain and several dastardly CGI beasts who represent the 7 deadly sins.Shazam runs a tad too long. And the beasts are so unimaginative that it feels like an exhausted CGI artist created them. But the film delivers both laughs and emotions. This is a refreshingly goofy superhero movie. I’m going with three and a half stars.
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Ratings:4/5 Review By: Mihir Fadnavis Site:  Firstpost
Shazam is a momentous film – because this is the movie you’d remember for years as the moment DC finally rendered genuinely great cinema in its cinematic universe. This is also the moment where DC finally realised that borrowing the Marvel formula is not altogether a bad idea. With fantastic performances, a cracking script, a hilarious protagonist, fun set pieces, a genuine emotional core and even nods to the horror genre because of Lights Out director David F Sandberg being at the helm, Shazam is a delight from start to end.
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Ratings:4/5 Review By: Rohan Site:  Hindustan Times 
Shazam! is an altogether different experience – both in tone and in scope – from previous DCEU entries, and this includes the largely beloved Wonder Woman and the box office smash Aquaman. It is, at the risk of invoking the wrath of fans on both sides, to the DCEU what Thor: Ragnarok and Spider-Man: Homecoming were to the Marvel Cinematic Universe – lighter, less angry, and positively delightful.Under the unlikely direction of Swedish filmmaker David F Sandberg, Shazam! is as magical as its title suggests; heartfelt, humorous and burdened by none of the hubris of Batman v Superman and Man of Steel.
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Ratings:4/5 Review By: Ronak Site:  Times Of India
Despite this, the screenplay never falls prey to melodrama, and the usual genre tropes are acknowledged, then promptly downplayed. The stakes are relatively lower than what we’re used to, and yet crucial enough within this film. Even the action set-pieces don’t focus on fight choreography. Instead, those moments are used to further character development. It’s a risky move that does falter slightly towards the finish line, but that’s excused because everything else leading up to it is so much fun. Bolstered by Zachary Levi’s undeniable charm, ‘Shazam!’ embodies the child-like wonder associated with superhero/ comic movies. In a welcome change of pace, it is undoubtedly the lightest and most entertaining entry into the DC roster.
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Ratings:— Review By: Akhil  Site:  NDTV
Despite those shortcomings, Shazam! is a fun time at the movies for the most part and easily one of the better outings in the DC stable. Calling it one of the best films in the DC film universe is really a backhanded compliment though, considering how badly it has been going since its inception in 2013, with Wonder Woman still the sole highlight. Like that Gal Gadot-starrer, Shazam! can be enjoyed with zero knowledge of the rest of the DC universe, which is great. (It’s also the first DC film set entirely in a real city, not fictional cities such as Gotham, Metropolis, or a mythological island or an underwater kingdom.) Its references to Batman and Superman work for everyone, simply because of their popularity.
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We all have a superhero inside of us — it just takes a bit of magic to bring it out. In 14-year-old Billy Batson’s case, all he needs to do is shout out one word to transform into the adult superhero Shazam. Still a kid at heart, Shazam revels in the new version of himself by doing what any other teen would do — have fun while testing out his newfound powers. But he’ll need to master them quickly before the evil Dr. Thaddeus Sivana can get his hands on Shazam’s magical abilities.
Zachary Levi
Mark Strong
Asher Angel
Jack Dylan Grazer
Djimon Hounsou


Aprl 5, 2019 ( India)

Director: David Sandberg

Running time: 2h 12m