ThoongaVanam movie review - Live audiance response
Thoonga Vanam is an upcoming 2015 bilingual crime thriller film in Tamil and Telugu directed by Rajesh M. Selva starring Kamal Hassan, Trisha, Prakash Raj, Kishore and Asha Sarath.The theatrical trailer of the film was released on 16 September 2015.
Thoonga Vanam got around much more expectation like Kamal's recent film Viswaroopam,That new one also being touch with some hollywood standard,As like Ajith's Vedalam Thoonga Vanam's special shows started around foreign rejoins..
The film getting awesome response from audiance ,May be more than the flick Vedalam carries,The film already verdict as a box office bumper,Here we share some comments on film..
Divya #Thoongavanam is brilliant! #darkhumour and #thriller. Very entertaining #kamal
Movie Chit Chat
Show started #Thoongavanam B-) Theatre going mad @CentralCinemas
more soon..