Censor Board trimmed 30 Rape Scenes from 'Keechaka'

Cinema shows a large impact on the minds of audiences and when sexual assault against women is shown on screen through the images of violence and rape, the visual interpretation will be so effective. Here comes a Telugu film titled Keechaka, a revenge story which has several such scenes.

Keechaka trailer has already shocked for the amount of rape scenes featured in it. The trailer explored the central character's brutality towards women. As per sources, the director has shot nearly 40 rape scenes in this film and Censor board had very tough time certifying this movie. Censor Board has trimmed around 30 rape scenes before giving certificate to it. Now, 'Keechaka' is releasing next week with nearly 10 rape scenes coming during a song and then in the process of story telling.

Watch : Keechaka Villain Intro Song Trailer | Jwala Koti | Raghu Babu | Telugu Filmnagar