Samantha slaps a fan

imgMolestation problems are not any new in the glamour world. The popularity heroines enjoy and the money they earn here, comes with an extra baggage like this. Several heroines complain about molestation when they attend public event. This happen especially when they visit show rooms, malls or theaters for brand endorsement or promotions. 

In the past we have seen the likes of Charmi, Shriya, Bipasha and many other facing this menace and now there is a new addition. And she is none other than the most happening heroine of Telugu, Samantha. The actress was in Tirupati some days ago. It is said that someone in the crowd tried to misbehave with her. However she did not choose to stay calm and gave him a tight slap.

Even though she was upset, Samantha managed well there. She hid her anger and completed the event. However she reportedly gave a handful to the organizers who did not even arrange proper security for her at the public event. As the incident happened away from Hyderabad, there was no much media glare to it.