SP Balasubramanyam Hits Out At Chiru?
Taking to his social-networking page, SPB wrote, "My heart bleeds for the departed souls yesterday at the Godavari Pushkar at Rajahmundry. My condolences to the next kith and kin and may Almighty bless the souls that left us. Humble request to all the politicians at this juncture. Please, please, donot utilise this tragic situation for political benifits, to whichever party you belong to. Please unite together to help those who are in trauma. Dont we all think that the pilgrims also should have a sense of dicipline and act selfless? What can authorities do when thousands become unruly and selfish? If the cops act little aggressive to control the situation, we all say there was unnecessery excessive force adopted. If not, call them lethargic. Let us all be human and work for the harmony. God be with us all."
Since actor Chiranjeevi has made severe comments on AP CM Chandrababu Naidu among many other Opposition leaders and even demanded his resignation taking the responsibility for the act, many in social media are attributing SPB's comments to Chiru. Meanwhile, many are also drawing comparisons between Chiru's political outcry and Pawan's diplomatic statements. Looks like, Chiru barked up the wrong tree again.