While the AVENGERS are breaking records at the box office, another major science fiction franchise looking to return to the big screens is gearing up its engines: today you can check out stunning new character
posters for TERMINATOR GENISYS showing Emilia Clarke as Sarah Connor, Jai Courtney as Kyle Reese, Arnold Schwarzenegger as the good old T-800 who comes to protect them,
Jason Clarke as John Connor the leader of the resistance and Byung hun-Lee as the advanced shape shifting T-1000.

Coming out this July, TERMINATOR GENISYS is set in 2029, when the Future War is raging and a group of human rebels has the evil
artificial intelligence system Skynet on the ropes. John Connor (Jason Clarke) is the leader of the resistance, and Kyle Reese (Jai Courtney)
is his loyal soldier, raised in the ruins of post apocalyptic California. As in the original film, Connor sends Reese back to 1984 to save Connor's
mother, Sarah (Emilia Clarke), from a Terminator programmed to kill her so that she won't ever give birth to John. But what Reese finds on the other side is nothing like he expected.
Coming out this July, TERMINATOR GENISYS is set in 2029, when the Future War is raging and a group of human rebels has the evil