The six hour show will revolve around a defiant and radical group of young men – Sam Adams (Ben Barnes), a natural born leader who accidentally sets in motion the revolution while trying to clear his debts and the unrest he triggers leads to unexpected consequences, John Adams (Henry Thomas), a lawyer and Sam's conservative, smart cousin, Paul Revere (Michael Raymond James), a veteran whowholeheartedly joins forces with Sam Adams, John Hancock (Rafe Spall), the wealthiest man in Boston at the time who joins the groupafter the British try to destroy his merchant fleet of ships, and Joseph Warren (Ryan Eggold), a doctor and man of conscience and integrity, – as they band together in secrecy to change the course of history and make America a nation. TERRA NOVA'S Jason O'Mara will playGeorge Washington, a former British Army officer, who has become a farmer in Virginia and one of the most respected men in his colony whose advice sets some of the groundwork for what will become the legendary Colonial Army, while Dean Norris is portraying brilliant yet mischievous Benjamin Franklin, and Marton Csokas will be General Thomas Gage who is sent to handle the colonial unrest in Boston. The brutal tactics he employs put the city on edge and his soldiers actions ultimately light the fuse on a rebellion that cannot be stopped. Emily Berrington will play his wife Margaret, who stuck in the abusive marriage, eventually provides the SONS OF LIBERTY with some of their most useful intelligence in their early clashes with the British.