Alone Is 2015′s First Mega Flop

When a Bollywood horror movie releases, one keeps no expectations. Because it will either be a remake of a foreign film or some experimental claptrap. With Alone, Bhushan Patel tries to churn out a story told a million times (through its original Thai film, numerous South Indian remakes, Agatha Christie’s original novel, etc.) using a terrible cast and poor production design.

Anjana & Sanjana (Bipasha Basu) are conjoined twins from Kerala (what?). When a boy (Karan Grover) enters their lives and gets attracted to one of them, all hell breaks loose. The story is unfathomably idiotic. While one allows a horror movie to go illogical at times so as to suit its rhythmic story, this one goes out of bounds and dances in its boundaries mocking its audience on an astronomic level. While the original novel and the film both were good enough for few thrills, its millionth iteration is nothing short of nonsense.

Bipasha Basu maybe getting more voluptuous year by year, but her acting skills have hardly had any improvement, if not deterioration. She is so bad at screaming, crying, being frightened, sleeping, emoting, terrorizing, and even kissing that it gets annoying just after 30 minutes. The débutante Karan Grover should be made to watch this nightmare in a theater in a loop until he gets flustered by his own awful acting. Grover can be best described as a piece of wood, which will not show any emotions even if burned.

The film has poor lighting, which may have been purposely done so as to make audience believe that it is a horror movie that they are watching and so they are not allowed to laugh. The climax tries to resurrect the whole shindig but ends up sabotaging it with gimmicky twists and flashbacks. There is not a single sequence that one can enjoy. And let me not talk about the screenplay.

The film would sweep the Razzie Awards 2015 if it were held in India, with accolades for Worst Acting, Worst Director, Worst Screenplay, Worst Production Design, Worst Special Effects, Worst Score, Worst Editing and maybe Worst Picture, too. Such is its degree of dreadfulness that I am forced to rate Patel’s third feature a perfect 1 out of 10. It has all the reasons for an average moviegoer to skip it.

BOTTOM LINE: Lets all welcome the first flop of 2015 with unfolded hands and slap it back to where it came from: an abyss of Bollywood rubbish.

Can be watched with a typical Indian family? NO

Obscenity: Medium | Violence/Gore: Strong | Contains psychological elements which may be unsuitable for children.

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