Actress Catherine Tresa open letter on her brother's Suicide

He was, is and will always be the most important person to all of us as he was the youngest. For the past two years, my brother Christopher was having trouble with parental control, turned rebellious and was losing interest in his education. We thought this to be a teen age phase and not wanting to further antagonize him, cut him slack and afforded him due space, all the while having a safety net of other people watch him closely and take care of him.
He even went on a spiritual journey at which point we were sure he was finding/discovering himself and were joyful at the prospect of his imminent return to the family.
However it turned out that my brother Christopher went back to God instead and we are confident that Heaven is surely enjoying his presence as he was the purest soul I know. He found joy in the little things, had the best sense of humour ever and would always make me laugh, no matter how upset I was. He was such a loving person who always saw the best in each person, irrespective of appearances. He was and always will be my inspiration, my support and my rock.
It is simply very difficult to put in words what my brother meant to me! He used to spend every alternate week end with me and gave me so much joy. He is my angel and the person I love most in this world and nothing is ever going to change that….not even his passing away!!
At this moment of great grief and sorrow, I thank all of you for your prayers, support and love. It is frankly what is keeping me going and humbly request all of you and your families to kindly pray for the soul of my darling brother so that he finds his peace and happiness with God in paradise.