Shah Rukh Khan and Katrina Kaif teamed up for the very first time in Jab Tak Hain Jaan which was late Yash Chopra’s last directorial venture. Not only the film turned out to be a blockbuster, the lead pair’s crackling chemistry also got noticed. And looks like we’ll get to witness the same chemistry on 70 mm pretty soon. We say so because Aditya Chopra is apparently planning to rope in SRK and Kat for his next directorial venture. We hear Rani Mukerji’s hubby has already started penning down his next and he has even discussed the story with the Happy New Year actor. That’s not all! If the rumours are to be believed than Khan has verbally given his nod to the project as well.
For the same film, Adi is considering to cast Ms Kaif as the female lead. The Chopra scion is not only fond of the leggy beauty but the two also worked together in Dhoom:3 and we all know what was the end result of their collaboration. Interestingly, Aditya’s film is going to be a romantic one. In that case, let’s keep our fingers crossed and hope SRK and Katrina soon sign on the dotted line.
Shah Rukh Khan again romance with Katrina Kaif ?
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4:14 AM