Anurag Kashyap on Bombay Velvet's failure at Box Office

Anurag Kashyap on Bombay Velvet's failure at Box Office

Anurag Kashyap has accepted the failure of Bombay Velvet at the box office and has made a statement thanking all the people involved the movie and has mentioned that he is not depressed and that he will be back.

 Bombay velvet has failed to do justice to its 110 crores budget and has seen lot of attacks on Anurag Kashyap by Trade analysts and distributors even before the release of the movie since no one believed him to be capable of making a commercial movie which such a big budget demanded .

It is likely to loose Fox Star a significant amount of money and  has also put Ranbir Kapoor's superstar status under a shadow

This is Anurag kashyap's full statement
 Its time to close the book and move on. its been a journey, as if one life is over with Bombay Velvet. a lot of people do not connect with it and a small number of people did. Maybe when the shock of the narrative wears down , you will revisit it in the calm of your homes and will get into it. Maybe our experimenting with the narrative didn't work for most but i firmly believe in the film. This is the film i wanted to make and i am glad i got to make it. I am very happy that all those who have been part of this journey firmly stand with it. No i am not depressed or hiding, this has taught us a lot and is my absolute personal favourite, there have been no regrets whatsoever.
 Thank you for your pride and love in what we did together, the process was beautiful and we have all come back richer from it. i think i am very rich today for having so many friends and people in my life and their faith. now lets get on to the next and lets kick ass. Films is what i breathe, what i live for, does not matter where i go and where i stay , i will only make films , and no i am not done with making films in and about my country, rest is just a little detour. none of you need to worry about me, we have survived so much, have been standing 22 years in the face of adversity and rejection. and i am still free with my choices. Bombay Velvet has been worth all the heart ache and pain and a memory to cherish for life. i love you all so much and i also feel all your love. Let my silence not worry any of you. i am solid, we are solid. The Applause or Brickbats do not matter, what matters is who is standing in the arena. its us who go out there and risk it, its us who choose not to take the easy route, its us who stand tall when they let the lions loose on us, we are and will be the gladiators, lets just keep playing the sport.. lets continue reinventing, lets give everything our best. and like Schwarznegger said, I WILL BE BACK.